Friday, August 24, 2012


It is the 7th week of lecture and my mind is getting blown. Our speaker this week is Matt Rawlins, teaching about the Fear of God. He tore apart (in a good way, trust me) Psalm 147:7 to really show just how big our God is. "He determines the number of the stars and calls them each by name." Did you know there are 30 billion trillion stars in the universe? I don't even know how many zeros that is. And that is just a guess. As wild as it is to even think that they are there in existence, God knows their names. HE KNOWS THEIR NAMES. He could stand before me right now and list 'em all of, no prob. What the heck. Our God is so BIG. And He effortlessly hold 30 billion trillion stars in His hands. With that context in mind, let Psalm 139 blow your mind for a minute. "You have searched me and you know me." The very God who created and can name those stars in a split second knows me in and out. It stuns me. I am so overwhelmed by His love! What an amazing God we serve. 

A theme that keeps coming to my mind this season is relationship. It is what we were created for. Adam and Eve walked daily with God in the garden. Moses hung out with Him on a mountain. Jesus, God in the flesh, was here for 33 years making friends all over the place. And its the same today. Every human soul on this earth was created for relationship with the Father. Some have no idea of this because the enemy comes in with lies of legalism, telling us we have to do do do and work work work to reach the Father. I lived that way for 20 years, my friends, and let me tell you, it is better on the other side! The pressure of failing (which I did often and still do since I am human) is gone when we know who our Father is and how much He loves us! The best part of this is that it can begin at any time. Whether you are 5, 105 or somewhere in between, the invite never ends! 

I will be leaving exactly a month from today with 9 of my dearest friends for South Africa! With this fire burning in my heart and revelation of relationship, I am bursting to go forth and share with those in Masi. Please be praying for my team as we prepare to head out! Also, please partner with me in praying for a release of finances! I personally need around $1,600, and my team needs around $4,000 by August 30th. If you feel led to donate, please clink the link to the right and help us change the world!

"Left to Right, top to bottom: Michael, Anna, Jin, Sophie, Kevin, Annika, Kourtney, Kelsey, Co-leader Amy and myself)

Much love,

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