Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Friday, November 9, 2012
1 week ago, as some of the team was coming home from an outing, a man came up to us and asked for prayer. We invited him into our living room, and he bagan to share with us some of the burdens his spirit has been caring. He was addicted to Tik (the drug that many are lost to, a pure form of meth), and 2 days before he came to us, he felt and saw demonic presence on and around him. He was frightened, and came to ask for prayer because he didn't know what else to do. He was clearly high on the drug when we began to pray and within 10 minutes of prayer, his mind had completely sobered and was physically more peaceful. He said he felt some of the demonic presence leave and then he began to thank us, saying we had no idea how powerful we were because of what we believed, and that he appreciated us just being in Masi. The Holy Spirit moves so much when we follow His commands to love God, love each other, and love the lost.
In my time here in Masi, I have learned to pursue Jesus in all circumstances. There are, of course, times when I fail horribly at this, but He has never and will never turn away. He may be silent at times, but He does not abandon. Jesus is who He says He is. He is love, He is provider, He is protector, He saves, He redeems, He is our hope, He keeps His promises. In the past 2 and a half years of truly following Jesus, I have seen Him as all of these over and over again, despite what my flesh is feeling. Jesus is real, moving in my heart, the team, and in Masi :)
With only 3 weeks of ministry left, please continue praying for us in these ways!
- Team unity
- Safety/wisdom
- Open doors to share the gospel
- Continuation of building relationships within Masi
Monday, October 29, 2012
South Africa!
- Safety
- For continual breakthrough in our team
- For health! Sickness has been going around our team
- Wisdom as we go about our lives here in Masi
Friday, August 24, 2012
Monday, August 13, 2012
(The other outreach locations are India, Togo, Mozambique, Iceland, Brazil, Nepal, Turkey, and Cambodia *not all are listed due to locations that are being protected*)
Prayer requests
We are half way through the lecture part of DTS which means we have begun preparing for Outreach! Please partner with me in praying for...
- More breakthrough!
- Unity in the class and team South Africa
- Finances! I personally need $2,800 by the end of this month and many more in the class need funds for outreach as well.
- Wisdom and Amy and I plan for our time in South Africa
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Kona Updates
Kona is hot, as usual, and amazing, as usual! My 3 weeks back here have been awesome and beautiful. I have been blessed beyond belief with an amazing community, Awaken. It is impossible not to grow when you are surrounded by 20-something people who believe in, encourage, and challenge you to run after God. We were immersed in staff-training just days after I arrived. Our days were filled with lectures, meetings, prayer times, and office work to get the students accepted. We have also found out our outreach locations which I will be announcing in about a month! Be assured though, I am very excited about the country I am going to :)
My heart has already been challenged and I've learned so much, even though I have been back for less than a month. Community is one of the best things, even if it makes all the junk in our hearts surface. In community, God lets things that He wants to work on in our hearts bubble right up to the surface for everyone to see. Not fun. But it happens because He trusts those with whom I am around. And I do too. I trust them even if they see the crabbiest, wildest, or most emotional side of me. I learn more and more everyday that God is more concerned with my heart, our intimacy, and my identity than He is with my comfort. He did not place me on this earth to be comfortable, but to grow, to trust and love Him more and more everyday.
I am so glad that I am learning this lesson. It instills even more in me that this life is not about me and what I want, but about His plan to bring His glory to earth, even though I know He loves me more than words can ever attempt to express. It still blows my mind that the God of this ENTIRE UNIVERSE cares more about me and my wellbeing than anything else and that He wants me to know Him. Know Him. Wild!
We are only 11 days away from the awaken students arriving and we are all sooooo excited! Each year it gets better and better and I can not wait to see what this year will hold :) Please join my in praying for ...
- The Awaken 2012 students!
- Unity of the school and for the Lord to move how He wants!
- Financial provision! I am currently raising $3,000 for this year which will go towards my living costs and outreach fees. If you feel led to donate, please click the donate button to the top right.
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
European Nuggets
God taught me about some of my spiritual giftings on the trip, the main one being discernment of spirits (1st Corinthians 12:10). I did not know how sensitive I was to the spiritual strongholds of the land until I embarked on this journey. Each time we entered into a new country, a wave of insecurities would crash upon me, insecurities I thought I had conquered. One second I would be fine, completely myself. Then we would walk into a room of people and I would feel self-hatred, fear, doubt, anxiety, whatever others in the room were experiencing. Kaylea has the same gift and would feel the same things I did. It took us one very long month of being on a spiritual roller coaster to figure out that it wasn't us feeling these things. It was something else. We were feeling the strongholds in the land that satan had sent to grip people. The Lord started to reveal to us that the stuff we had been feeling weren't our own struggles, but those that others had. This brought us so much peace because we were free from all of it and no longer had to come under it! Through the discernment we would be able to pick up what people were feeling, call it out of them, release the opposite, and help them to overcome these strongholds in their lives. If someone would be feeling self-hatred, we would tell them that it was the enemy, pray with them, and release the truth that they were beautiful. It was a tough lesson to learn, but so thankful that I did! It is a gift, not a curse!
For the past year, a prayer that I have often prayed is that God would grow me in character. To become a Proverbs 31 woman, to honor God and those around me with all I have. Day in and day out, my character was challenged for 3 months. Little habits that I had my whole life were brought to my attention by the Spirit, habits that were dishonoring others, unbeknownst to me, such as interrupting people when speaking, or being a few minutes late. Even if others did not care or even notice, I knew that I was not honoring their voice or their time and was convicted. I wish I could say that once I became I aware these habits, they broke quickly. THEY DIDN'T. They stuck to me like glue! Its an ongoing process, but God is sharpening my character so I can bring Him more glory!
One last thing that greatly impacted is that everyone's story has meaning, depth, a purpose. The most clean of testimonies will effect people. Jesus lived a perfect pure life, yet his testimony has shaken generations for thousands of years. Although I have not had crazy, disastrously hard times, God still used my story to reach others. While we were in Sweden, I met a girl named Anna, who the Hanson's knew from their DTS outreach 2 years before. We hung out with her for the evening, just walking around and chatting. She is not a believer, but was asking questions. I told her my entire testimony, not realizing the effect it had on her. She said it was bittersweet for her to hear. Sweet because she was happy for me, bitter because I had what she wanted. God uses my tiny little life to effect others. He can use yours too.
There is so much more, but it would take days and days to tell. God did so much on the trip, through us and in each of us. Even though it has ended, I am still taking things away from it. I am still shocked that it is over, and so thankful that it happened. What a beautiful and wonderful God we serve!
I am in Kona as of right now. LOVING IT! Staff training is going well and students will be arriving in about 3 weeks. Please be praying for the school as we get ready for it!
Much love, Kristi
Thursday, May 24, 2012
The rest of the Europe trip was fantastic. We had an amazingly restful time in the eastern city of Herrenhut, Germany. We partnered with the Fire and Fragrance DTS that is running there, speaking and participating in their classes. We explored the tiny town and learned more about its history, thick with Revival. It may seem sleepy now, but 300 years ago Herrenhut was thriving in the Spirit. Missionaries were being sent out, packing their belongings in a coffin, planning to live and die in the land that God sent them to. A prayer movement was birthed and for the following 100 years, prayer was being lifted up 24/7. Talk about commitment! It was so encouraging to walk the streets of that town, knowing the history, and to see the Fire and Fragrance DTS doing the same thing. Different generation, different people, but same loving, powerful, amazing, beautiful Jesus. After our time in Germany, we wandered over to Spain to close out the trip by speaking in a church and debriefing as a team. After 5 days, I headed home to surprise my mom for mother's day! Many squeals, screams, and tears (this is of no surprise to those of you who know my mother) followed when I showed up to her bible study 8 days early. So blessed I got to do that!
2 weeks have past since then and I have been having an amazing time at home! It has been so good to unwind from the intense yet glorious Europe trip and to catch up with my family and friends in good ol' Wheaton. With one week left, I can feel my Kona senses tingling!!! Most of Awaken is out there, preparing for the school and participating in the Leadership Track, and I can not wait to be reunited with them. This year is going to be so different than the past 2 summers, yet filled to the brim with God, family, and growth. I can not wait to get this thing rolling!
I will be writing an update of little nuggets I learned and heart transformations while in Europe, so be on the look out! In the mean time, please be praying for
- Awaken staff as we prepare
- Awaken DTS 2012 students!!!!!
- Awaken Unity
- Finances
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
These past seven weeks have been mind blowing. It is difficult to sum in in a few paragraphs all that the Lord has done in the past few weeks. Since my last update, we have journeyed through 6 more countries, each one holding unique, divine stories to be told. I hope you enjoy a few of them that I share here.
After time spent in Belgium and Holland (which were both insane! Check www.hansonsatywam.com for video updates), we went to Germany for about 10 days in 2 different locations. We started in Lohne, Germany to partner with the Hansons’ friend, Selena, and what she was doing there. The second place was Hamburg, where we were with Valseka, a DTS friend of the Hansons. While in Hamburg, we were invited to sit in on her Pastor’s small group. So we did! At the end of the bible study, they asked us 5 if we had any prophetic words to share. We thought we would just share a general word or two. But of course, God had a lot to say than just a couple words! We spent the next hour or so prophesying over each person (about 13 of them). Specific words came to us to speak out over them. Many came up to us saying that what we spoke was spot on. A lot of them did not know that they could hear God’s voice in their own hearts. It was like Christmas morning, seeing their faces light up as they discovered this gift in them.
Later that week, we attended the church’s youth group. The pastor asked us to share something before the speaker began. But then the hijacking Holy Sprit came. A 15 minute encouragement turned into a 2 hour prophesy time. God highlighted about 15 kids to us so we called each of them up and took turns prophesying over each of them. Words of truth, encouragement and love poured out, touching hearts of young teens. Tears flowed as words from the Father struck their spirits. Some needed to know that they were beautiful. Some needed to know they were loved. Some needed to know that God saw the terrible things that have happened to them and it broke His heart. This experience was one of the most personal heart changing moments for myself. It was incredible to see how God is moving in people’s hearts, speaking to and using them no matter their age, nationality, or circumstances.
A theme we have seen all throughout Europe is the expansion of the Church. Literally. We have now been to 2 different churches (Portugal and Holland) where it was their last Sunday service in that building. Both churches were moving into bigger buildings because they could no longer hold the amount of people flowing in through the doors. The YWAM bases in France and Berlin and the church in Germany we visited were also on the hunt for bigger places for the exact same reason. God is moving and people are responding!
After Germany, we stayed in Copenhagen with Anne-Sofie, who I did DTS and outreach with in 2010. Such a blessing to see her! Then to an amazing community in Sweden before we headed south. (much happened in Sweden! visit the Hansons' blog for video update!) Kaylea has returned to Kona to staff and the rest of us have continued on to Kosovo with our friend Dan Baumann. We will be praying and traveling through several countries this week as the Spirit leads us. Please partner with us by praying for open doors, protection, and provision! Thank you to everyone who has supported me and been covering us in prayer! It means more to me than you will ever know. Let us keep Him the center. Forever and always.
Much love,
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Europe update!
Bonjour! We have just entered into our 4th country of our trip...Belgium!!! We have been led by faith for 4 weeks now and my heart is stirred by the Love of God, seeing Him move in each country, and the ways He provides, protects, and leads us. Each country we step into, we gain a new perspective for that nation as we feel the Father’s heart for it, hearing the thoughts of Heaven of the Sons and Daughters who live there.
After praying in Spain, we felt the Lord speak Portugal as our next destination, the one place we did not have contacts. Portugal was not even on my radar, thinking it was in another continent. Lord knows I need to brush up on my geography skills. We posted on facebook and blasted out emails of our newly formed plan to head out to the Western most part of Europe, hoping a contact would emerge. The day came to leave, and we had yet to hear from anyone. With no real final destination, we stepped out in faith and moved forward with buying train tickets to Lisbon, the Capitol of Portugal. Minutes before the taxi arrived to get us, we received an email from a friend of a friend in the south offering us a place to stay for a week for free and the invitation to be involved the church they pastored down there! Jesus is faithful, up to the very last second. Before going south, we spent 5 nights in Lisbon- 2 at a hostel, 3 at the YWAM base there. We had connected well with a Portuguese church, which happened to be moving into a new building that week. We helped move into the new building, and formed an amazing relationship with the Pastor there and a man of the Church who was able to hook us up, John.
We then headed south to Logos, or “the end of the world” to the locals. Calvin, Camille, and Christer stayed with the pastor of an international church while Kaylea and myself stayed with his daughter and her family. The next week was filled with friendship, ministry, beautiful sights, and seeing 7 people saved! The families who hosted us were an absolute blessing and I will be so thankful the day our paths cross again.
After hearing from God, we headed to the YWAM base in south France via a 28 hour bus ride. I do not recommend doing this. Ever. What awaited us on the other side of this that beastly ride was incredible. The YWAM base, a 250 year old renovated farm house, was up in the country side hills of france. BEAUTIFUL.The true beauty of this place was not the sights, however, but the amazing community that they cultivate there. My heart felt at home as we sat around the dinner table, chatting away as if old friends. Their time is spent together hanging out, cooking, and just being a family after the day is kicked off with worship and prayer (when not running schools). We were able to pick the brain of Dudley, the base leader, and he gave us some awesome insight to community living with Christ as the center. When speaking about discipleship and evangelism, he made a good point. Our purpose in life is not to save. That is what Jesus does, and Jesus alone. We are to love God, love others, and be obedient to what He says. Do what He says, nothing more. He will take care of the rest. Makes life so much easier than trying to do what we think He wants us to do over actually doing what He says!
Our time came to an end in the south, and we trekked to Paris for a night. PARIS. My heart sings with the beauty of this place! Jesus must love Paris, it is one of the most stunning cities I have ever been to. One thing that I have been discovering on this trip is that Psalm 37:4 is so so so true! “Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart.” He gives us the desires of our hearts, for He has put them there and will use them for His glory. Even seeing Pairs :)
And now here we are, on a bus arriving in Brussels, Belgium. We do not know what God has in store for us here, but it must be something great if He told us to come for 2 nights! That is another thing I have learned...I don’t always need to know the answer! I can easily revert to the 4 year old Kristi, asking why why why about everything, challenging everything He says instead of actually doing it. It has been such a leap of faith to head out a city where none of us have been, no set place to stay, and no agenda of what to do. But that is the beauty of it. It gives God the freedom to do what He wishes without us boxing Him in to our own plans. He has not failed us once, but instead provided more abundantly than we ever thought possible.
I cannot wait to see where else He will lead us on this trip. Thank you for all the prayers and support that have been coming our way!!!! I can not wait to share all of these experiences in person with all of you :)
Much love,
Sunday, February 19, 2012

Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Goodbye 2011, Hellllllo 2012!
We are just 27 days into the new year, but God has already put me on a crazy adventure. In less than 3 weeks, I will be heading to Spain on a 1 way ticket with 4 other Awakeners. AH! This past summer, some of us started to dream about what it would like to see revival happen all through out Europe. Europe has been called 'hopeless' with the amount of wars, and human trafficking that have increased over the past few decades. The spiritual atmosphere has simultaneously been under attack. Estonia has been named to be the least religious country in the world along with other countries taking God out of the picture. Our hearts have been broken for Europe yet we have so much joy, excitement, and hope for what God is doing and will do there. It is our desire that during these 3 months of traveling across different countries, we will see an awakening in hearts to know their Father, the lost come Home, the broken be made whole, and the hurting be healed. Along the way, we will be partnering with other ministries, evangelizing, and looking into potential long term commitments to this nation. This will be an incredible faith building journey and I am excited to see where we will be at on the other side of it :)
- Finances for the year
- Safety during travels
- Team unity
- That we stay completely submitted to God!