Yesterday has by far been the most interesting day in Haiti. The day started off with a last minute trip up into the mountains to visit a hotel that YWAM is looking into buying. As we climbed up the mountain by a tap-tap (sort of like a covered wagon but with a truck-public transportation, Haiti style)the air got cooler, the smell cleaner, the scenery greener, the atmosphere more peaceful. When we reached the hotel, which is still running, it felt like we stepped out of Haiti and into a resort in the mountains of Europe. As we overlooked the misty mountain side, the staff served us coffee and then something amazing happened. Christmas music started playing. Real food was served. We had tears in our eyes, literally. We did not realize until we left Port-Au-Prince how much stress we were under. God was so nice to us- I literally felt like God had something special for each of us there. "Kristi likes Christmas music, so I'm going to have them play it. Kayla like coffee, so I'm going to have them serve it. The boys like meat, so I am going to have them make beef for lunch." It truly was an afternoon from the Lord.
Unfortunately, that relaxfullness (I realize that is not a true word but I can't think of another one) didn't last long. At about 3 AM, we were all woken up to a brilliant light, fire crackling, and loud humming noises. Right outside our gate, a power line snapped and landed on our bus and was electrocuting it. The tires caught fire and smoke was pouring out from every open area. The girls run down the stairs where the boys were already pulling up water from the well (no running water). Each time the electricity flared, the light burned brighter and the humming got louder. The electricity randomly turns on and off here, so we were praying for the power to be turned off so the fire could be put out. We have authority over the spiritual realm and we used it. Lisa, a woman who who came down for the burn, said "In the name of Jesus, SHUT OFF." And it did.
This was straight up an attack form the enemy. Too many things lined up for it to be just a "freak accident." Since we have been in Haiti, chaos has happened all around, but never to us directly. Cholera, riots, hurricane Tomas, all have been attacks but have not harmed. Because they can't. We are soooo protected by the God of this universe. That power line could have snapped during the day while we were loading onto the bus, but it didn't. It could have snapped the other direction and landed on our metal gate and electrocuted the whole house, but it didn't. The sparks should have caught the trees on fire, but it didn't. When attacks from the enemy manifest into the natural realm so we can see it, that could only mean one thing. That Satan is getting pissed off. He sees that we are reclaiming this land, that he lost the battle, that he is no longer in charge here. This is his last stand. Fear is all he has to use against us, and it isn't working. Instead of running around, we gathered around and prayed. What was meant to kill us and induce fear into our souls turned us to the Lord and made us stronger. We are convinced that there were angels guiding that cord down so it did not hit us as it was meant to. Satan must be a dumb idiot to think that he could actually try and catch us on fire. So stupid.
Last night made me realize how REAL the spiritual realm is. We typically don't see it, but when Satan gets that mad at us, it flows into our world, the world we can see. But as usual, God makes it work for our good. It woke me up. It opened my eyes to what we are dealing with. We are breaking off voodoo and Satan hates it. We are taking back what is rightfully God's. Haiti is no longer Satan's and he ain't too happy about it.
I am convinced with out a doubt that your prayers kept us from. We will never know how many other attacks have been sent to us but because of your prayers,l they have been broken off. Thank you for contending for me, for my team, for Haiti. It is making a difference. Keep it up, prayer warriors.
I'm so glad you all are safe!
ReplyDeleteDear Kristi, so glad to hear that you and your team are safe and doing well. It is a joy to see how your faith has grown and strengthend into somthing so strong and bright.Keep shining God's bright star and know that he loves you and so do we. See you soon!
ReplyDeleteLots of Love
Uncle Randy, Aunt Annie and XiXi
ReplyDeleteThere is a Fire burning for sure in Haiti. A Holy Fire!! The Spirit is Alive and moving.
Romans 8:38-39 For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
As your team continues to pursue the Haitian people with love, this will be my prayer for you. That the authority that has been given to Jesus Christ is given to you all as well.
Love you my daughter!