Saturday, April 21, 2012
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
These past seven weeks have been mind blowing. It is difficult to sum in in a few paragraphs all that the Lord has done in the past few weeks. Since my last update, we have journeyed through 6 more countries, each one holding unique, divine stories to be told. I hope you enjoy a few of them that I share here.
After time spent in Belgium and Holland (which were both insane! Check for video updates), we went to Germany for about 10 days in 2 different locations. We started in Lohne, Germany to partner with the Hansons’ friend, Selena, and what she was doing there. The second place was Hamburg, where we were with Valseka, a DTS friend of the Hansons. While in Hamburg, we were invited to sit in on her Pastor’s small group. So we did! At the end of the bible study, they asked us 5 if we had any prophetic words to share. We thought we would just share a general word or two. But of course, God had a lot to say than just a couple words! We spent the next hour or so prophesying over each person (about 13 of them). Specific words came to us to speak out over them. Many came up to us saying that what we spoke was spot on. A lot of them did not know that they could hear God’s voice in their own hearts. It was like Christmas morning, seeing their faces light up as they discovered this gift in them.
Later that week, we attended the church’s youth group. The pastor asked us to share something before the speaker began. But then the hijacking Holy Sprit came. A 15 minute encouragement turned into a 2 hour prophesy time. God highlighted about 15 kids to us so we called each of them up and took turns prophesying over each of them. Words of truth, encouragement and love poured out, touching hearts of young teens. Tears flowed as words from the Father struck their spirits. Some needed to know that they were beautiful. Some needed to know they were loved. Some needed to know that God saw the terrible things that have happened to them and it broke His heart. This experience was one of the most personal heart changing moments for myself. It was incredible to see how God is moving in people’s hearts, speaking to and using them no matter their age, nationality, or circumstances.
A theme we have seen all throughout Europe is the expansion of the Church. Literally. We have now been to 2 different churches (Portugal and Holland) where it was their last Sunday service in that building. Both churches were moving into bigger buildings because they could no longer hold the amount of people flowing in through the doors. The YWAM bases in France and Berlin and the church in Germany we visited were also on the hunt for bigger places for the exact same reason. God is moving and people are responding!
After Germany, we stayed in Copenhagen with Anne-Sofie, who I did DTS and outreach with in 2010. Such a blessing to see her! Then to an amazing community in Sweden before we headed south. (much happened in Sweden! visit the Hansons' blog for video update!) Kaylea has returned to Kona to staff and the rest of us have continued on to Kosovo with our friend Dan Baumann. We will be praying and traveling through several countries this week as the Spirit leads us. Please partner with us by praying for open doors, protection, and provision! Thank you to everyone who has supported me and been covering us in prayer! It means more to me than you will ever know. Let us keep Him the center. Forever and always.
Much love,