Made it safely into Spain 3 days ago! It was so good to be reunited with Team Europe (also known as the K-squad), the first time we have been together since September. These past few days have been restful with them as we wait on the Lord for what is next. We know we are going to see Him move in incredible ways- can't wait to see how!!!
I have been running with these lovely 4 folks for almost 2 years now, and I am absolutely thrilled God has placed us together for this season. Ask me a year ago what I thought I would be doing now, and I never would have guessed that I would be in Spain, preparing to launch out on the biggest faith journey of my life with 4 of my greatest friends. I am so blessed!

(Christer, Calvin, Camille, Myself, Kaylea-the "K-squad")
We hiked 10 miles up hill both ways (at least it felt like it) on a nearby mount to see the ruins of 4-century old Spanish Monastery. Beautiful!
We feel from the Lord that we will be moving on to our next destination on Tuesday. As to where, it is still a mystery! There are a few places that they Lord has spoken clearly about, and it will be quite interesting to see where we will journey to next.
Our team has made a short video to inform others about the trip and to keep y'all update. You can see it here.
Thank you so much for keeping us in your prayers! Can't wait to see what God does in these next 3 months :)