Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Goodbye 2011, Hellllllo 2012!

Hello all! It is hard to believe that the first month of 2012 has flown by. My time at home has been very restful with friends and family. I am extremely thankful for a family who believes in me, supports and prays for me as I follow the Lord across the world.

(family vacation)

We are just 27 days into the new year, but God has already put me on a crazy adventure. In less than 3 weeks, I will be heading to Spain on a 1 way ticket with 4 other Awakeners. AH! This past summer, some of us started to dream about what it would like to see revival happen all through out Europe. Europe has been called 'hopeless' with the amount of wars, and human trafficking that have increased over the past few decades. The spiritual atmosphere has simultaneously been under attack. Estonia has been named to be the least religious country in the world along with other countries taking God out of the picture. Our hearts have been broken for Europe yet we have so much joy, excitement, and hope for what God is doing and will do there. It is our desire that during these 3 months of traveling across different countries, we will see an awakening in hearts to know their Father, the lost come Home, the broken be made whole, and the hurting be healed. Along the way, we will be partnering with other ministries, evangelizing, and looking into potential long term commitments to this nation. This will be an incredible faith building journey and I am excited to see where we will be at on the other side of it :)

Once our Awaken Europe trip has come to an end, I will be heading back to Kona for round 2 of staffing! The Awaken DTS has been growing and changing at a fast pace for the past couple of years. I run with an amazing crew of Awakeners who I am sooooo thankful for. Last year, God completely highjacked our plans and implemented His own through out the entire summer. And IT. WAS. AWESOME. Those 4 weeks that speakers had cancelled and left us to rely solo on Him were by far the most life changing weeks of lecture phase. A 50 hour burn, faith journeys throughout the island, and speakers who came on last minute notice, changed the course of our school. Students were encountered and grew in ways only He could do. We are so excited to see what He has up His sleeve for this year! A part of my trip in Europe will be to scout for potential Awaken DTS outreaches. Bosnia has been laid heavily upon my heart over the past months, especially those who are held in sexual slavery. This country is definitely out there on the prayer table for future missions!

God has abundantly provided for me these past 2 years and I know He will continue to do so, for what Good Father does not provide for His children? It is my goal to raise $2,000 a month for room, board, travel, and other expenses. I have already received some support, which I am so grateful for! It is, however, difficult to financially plan for a faith-led trip, so I will be on quite the trusting journey! I am excited to see all the ways that God is planning on providing for us. If you feel led to support, you can do so (tax deductible!) by clicking on the "donate" button on the right side. Airline miles are also greatly appreciated!

  • Finances for the year
  • Safety during travels
  • Team unity
  • That we stay completely submitted to God!
Thank you all! Love.