"For if you live according to the flesh, you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body, you will live" Romans 8:13
I can't tell you how many times I have read this verse and let it slip through my mind without giving it a second thought. It is something that I chose not to pay attention to, because it is something that I did not want to do. I wanted to live my life, my way, and no one was going to tell me otherwise. Because my way was always better. My way was less painful. My way was easier. I couldn't understand that there was something far better past the downfall of flesh.
These past few weeks, however, God just keeps bringing it up again and again. All of these little worldly desires that I have accumulated over the course of my life had dug their claws deep into my flesh. I became accustomed and comfortable to these claws that I didn't want them to leave. It would be so strange to live a life with out them.
Yet, He is still doing a new thing in my soul. He has grace and mercy enough to not let my own flesh deceive me into thinking it has more to offer than the Father. As painful as it is, my flesh is being put to death. And I am ever so glad. My spirit and flesh are at war with each other, and for the first time, the Spirit is winning. These claws are being extracted, and the wounds they caused are beginning to heal. I welcome it, because I will now live freely, unhindered, able to run because the weight of this world is no longer on me.
It isn't a quick or enjoyable process. But the more my worldly desires break off from me, the more of Heaven's perspective I receive. The more I receive, the more I welcome it. The more I welcome it, the more I want it.